Indicators & Tools

Indicators & Tools

For every membership you get access to

Video Instructions
Install instructions page
‘How to use’ manual

Free updates

For Every membership you get access to

Video Instructions

Once you subscribe to a membership plan, you will get access to videos that explains how to successfully install/ get access to all the membership indicators.

Install Instruction Page

In addition to the video tutorials, you will get access to a dedicated page with step-by-step installation instructions for the indicators pack.

'How to use' manual

For each indicator, we created a manual that explains all the indicator settings, in order to help you use each indicator to its full potential.

Free Updates

Once you subscribe, you will have access to all future updates and improvements to all the indicators that are in the purchased pack, for free, during your subscription period. In order to receive updates, please make sure you allow us to send you emails by checking the box from the checkout page.

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