Percent Move
Volatility indicators are widely used by traders when it comes to identifying price fluctuations, breakouts and overbought/ oversold situations. These types of indicators are capable of measuring the overall market volatility and identifying trend changes.
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Donchian Channel and Keltner Channel are 2 of the most popular indicators when it comes to detecting the current trend and providing potential trading signals. Both of them are volatility-based indicators, used by many traders in their technical analysis in order to determine trend.
Percent Move is an oscillator indicator that measures the market volatility and it can help traders identify trend changes in an easier way through its painting features. It can be calculated based on Donchian Channel, Keltner Channel, or even both indicators.
The Percent Move indicator is a combination of two technical analysis indicators. Therefore, it can provide important information with regard to market momentum, volatility, and trend-detecting.