
Help Guide

Failed Trading Connection Login
  • Common Error Scenarios: The process of logging into a Rithmic account may fail due to several reasons, including incorrect username or password entry, server issues, or connectivity problems.
  • Incorrect Credentials: A typical error occurs when the user inputs an incorrect username or password. For example, omitting a part of the username or mistyping it can lead to a failed login attempt.
  • Error Notification: In such instances, the software promptly displays an error message, often stating something like “Connection to Rhythmic failed for the username…”. This message indicates that the login attempt was unsuccessful due to the provided credentials not matching the records.
  • Server-Related Issues: Errors can also arise from server-related problems, which may occur during weekends or at times of maintenance. These issues are outside the user’s control and require waiting for the server to become operational again or contacting support for assistance.
  • Troubleshooting Steps: The user is advised to double-check their username and password for accuracy and ensure that there are no server issues at the time of login. If problems persist, contacting the Trade Copier support team for help is recommended.